Niklasson, M., and Niklasson, I. (2024). Catching "Sliding door" moments; One way to find purpose in life, and to keep-up love, compassion and mental well-being. In A. Grant and J.Carson (Eds) Autoethnographies in Psychology and Mental Health: New Voices. Routledge. Pp 207-233.
Niklasson, M. (2024). Jag såg det komma [I saw it coming]. Idrott och Hälsa, No 1, 2024 pp.18-19.
Hopkinson, P., & Niklasson, M. (2024). A Life Through the Looking Glass: the development of a qualitative method, International Digital Collaborative Autoethograhical Psychobiography (IDCAP). Mental Health and Social Inclusion,
Carson, J., & Niklasson, M., (2023). The struggle to get a PhD: the collaborative autoethnographic accounts of two 'journeymen'. Journal of Further and Higher Education 47(5): 607-618.
Hopkinson, P., Niklasson, M., Bryngelsson, P., Voyce, A., & Carson, J. (2023). "Not so good vibrations": five collaborative autoethnographic accounts of Brian Wilson, his life, music rock"n" recovery. Mental Health and Social Inclusion, 27(4): 430-446.
Niklasson, M. (2023). Mental health, art and creativity II: develop the child within. Mental Health and Social Inclusion, 28(3): 223-230.
Hopkinson, P., Bryngelsson, P., Voyce, A., Niklasson, M., & Carson, J. (2022). A tale of two Peters : an analysis of the life of Peter Green using collaborative/community autoethnography and digital team ethnography. Mental Health and Social Inclusion, 27(1), 3-19.
Niklasson, M., & Blomkvist, U. H. (2022). The social worker as the Good Samaritan: When my heart did the thinking. Social Work and Social Sciences Review, 23(2), 36-52.
Niklasson, M., Niklasson, I. (2022).
The importance of an early suppression of the Moro reflex.
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation International, 9(2):1200.
Niklasson, M. (2022).Mental health, art and creativity: re-discover the child within.
Mental Health and Social Inclusion, 26(3): 292-298.
Niklasson M, Niklasson I, Rasmussen P (2022). Sensorimotor Therapy Using Vestibular Stimulation : A Complementary Method for ‘Treatment’ of Developmental Coordination Disorder and a Possible Way to Awaken the Innate Potential for a Physically Active Life. OBM Integrative and Complementary Medicine, 7(1):13
Niklasson, M. (2020). The importance of grounded assessments and interventions : Towards a new framework for Developmental Coordination Disorder. Bolton, UK: PhD by publication, University of Bolton.
Niklasson, M., Rasmussen, P., Niklasson, I., Norlander, T. (2018). Developmental Coordination Disorder : The Importance of Grounded Assessments and Interventions. Front.Psychol. 9:2409. Doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02409
Niklasson, M., Norlander, T., Niklasson, I., Rasmussen, P. (2017). Catching-up: Children with developmental coordination disorder compared to healthy children before and after sensorimotor therapy. PLoS ONE 12(10), e0186125. Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0186126
Niklasson, M. & Norlander, T. (2015). Även vuxna kan ha nytta av sensomotorisk träning. Läkartidningen,112, DMMF
Niklasson, M., Rasmussen, P., Niklasson, I., & Norlander, T. (2015). Adults with sensorimotor disorders: Enhanced physiological and psychological development following specific sensorimotor training. Frontiers in Psychology, 6:480. Doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00480
Niklasson, M. (2013). The relation between postural movement and bilateral motor integration: Comment on Lin, et al. Perceptual and Motor Skills: Physical Development and Measurement, 117(2), 647-650. Läs kommentaren under fliken Dokumentation; Lin, C.K., Kuo, B.C., & Wu, H.M. (2014)
Niklasson, M., Nordén, T., & Norlander, T. (2013). Sensomotorisk terapi – en flexibel och integrativ metod. Ett förslag till PRIO-satsning gällande barn och unga. Göteborg: Evidens. Ladda ner som pdf.
Niklasson, M. (2013). Sensorimotor therapy: Assessing quantitative and qualitative expressions of physiological and psychological development in children. Licentiatsavhandling i psykologi. Karlstad: Karlstads universitet. Ladda ner uppsatsen.
Niklasson, M. (2012). Could motor development be an emergent property of vestibular stimulation and primary reflex inhibition? A tentative approach to sensorimotor therapy. In W. Sittiprapaporn (Ed.), Learning Disabilities (pp. 241-274). Rijeka, Croatia: InTech Europe. Kapitlet kan laddas i pdf-format via länken.
Niklasson, M., Rasmussen, P., & Norlander, T. (2010). Vestibulär/sensomotorisk terapi finns också i Sverige. Läkartidningen, 107(43), 2663.
Niklasson, M., Niklasson, I., & Norlander, T. (2010). Sensorimotor therapy: Physical and psychological regressions contribute to an improved kinesthetic and vestibular capacity in children and adolescents with motor difficulties and concentration problems. Social Behavior and Personality, 38 (3), 327-346. Abstract och beställnig av artikeln via länken.
Niklasson, I. (2009). Auditory perception is of importance for learning and sustainable health. A summary of oral presentations on the Azores (2007), Skolforum in Stockholm (2007) and in Oslo, Norway (2009).
Niklasson, M., Niklasson, I., & Norlander, T. (2009). Sensorimotor therapy: Using stereotypic movements and vestibular stimulation to increase sensorimotor proficiency of children with attentional and motor difficulties. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 108, 643-669.
Niklasson, Mats ;
Gravitation and the vestibular system as a source for development and for sustained health.
Oral Presentation
Heliogeophysical Factors and Human Health.
Russian Academy of Medical Sciencies, Siberian Branch, State Institution Scientific Centre of Clinical and Experimental Medicine. Novosibirsk, Russia 2005.
Niklasson, Mats ;
Gravitation and the vestibular system as a source for development and for sustained health.
Abstract 2005
Heliogeophysical Factors and Human Health.
Russian Academy of Medical Sciencies, Siberian Branch, State Institution Scientific Centre of Clinical and Experimental Medicine. Novosibirsk, Russia 2005.
Niklasson, Mats ;
Adding Meaning to Life
Poster Presentation
Toward a Science of Consciousness. Copenhagen, Denmark 2005.
Niklasson, Mats ;
Adding Meaning to Life
Abstract 2004
Toward a Science of Consciousness. Copenhagen, Denmark 2005.
Niklasson, Mats ; Childhood Playing is one Precursor for Sustained Higher Cognitive Skills and for Emotional Well Being. Poster Presentation Toward a Science of Consciousness. Tucson, Az, U.S.A 2002.
Niklasson, Mats ; The Reaching of Higher Cognitive Levels Seems to Require the Overcoming of Gravity. Poster Presentation Toward a Science of Consciousness. Skövde, Sweden 2001.
Niklasson, Mats ; Adding Meaning to Life INPP Monograph Series No. 1, 1994.
Niklasson, Mats ; Framtidens skola har inte råd med några fuskbyggen. Projektgruppen Källan, Den vilda ankan 1994.
Niklasson, Mats ; Rörelse, ursprung och framtid. Barns liv, rum och ting i nordiskt perspektiv s. 51-54. Högskolan i Kalmar, Rapport från Capellaakademin 1992.
Niklasson, Mats och Hector, Karl-Göran ; Ett försök att utvärdera effekter av motorisk träning. Högskolan i Kalmar, Institutionen för lärarutbildning Rapport D 1989:4.